About Me

Hello there, and thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. I am so excited about what God has in my future with my camera and me! I am twenty five years old, I am married to my best friend Jason, I cut hair & adore it, I have a sweet dogie named Mr.Rex, I love taking pictures, I love the outdoors, I love kids & grown-ups too! {*giggle*}I discovered my passion for photography, several years ago when I began to take pictures of my sister's precious little girl EllaGrace! Sooner than later, I found myself behind the lens of a camera more and more! I love taking pictures, I have so much FUN capturing memories that will last forever! I know I am truly where God wants me to be in life! After all, "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, It's about dancing in the rain."
© Britni Martinez Photography

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